Personal Injury Law
What is personal injury? Simply put, it is harm done to a person, their property, their reputation or their business interests because of the action or inaction of another person. It can happen in a vehicular accident, a slip and fall, malpractice or other means. If this has happened to you, the team of personal injury lawyers at the Janssen Law Center stands ready to assist you, to protect your rights and take your claim through the proper channels while you concentrate on getting better. Let us give you the kind of representation you deserve.
What Are the Steps in a Personal Injury Lawsuit?
Filing a personal injury lawsuit involves a multi-step process. Your case may benefit from finding a lawyer who can negotiate a favorable financial settlement or represent you in a successful court case.
The next steps in a personal injury lawsuit include:
- Compiling facts
- Gathering evidence
- Evaluating your losses
- Assigning liability
- Giving depositions
- Meeting discovery laws
- Negotiating a settlement
The lawyer you work with will represent you in court if a favorable financial settlement cannot result from negotiations. Your lawyer may also guide you at each step of your personal injury lawsuit and answer any additional questions you might have.
The Difference between Bodily Injury & Personal Injury
Bodily injury may be referenced in criminal court cases, referring to injuries sustained by someone who has been the victim of an assault or another crime. Personal injury is commonly referenced in civil court claims and covers all costs incurred as the result of an accident or wrongful death.
The difference between bodily injury and personal injury is where you might encounter each one in a legal context. Each type of case may present different standards for liability and proof. The individual state where an accident takes place can have different implications for these terms.
Statute of Limitations
If you or someone you know has been injured or defamed in some way, it might benefit you to seek legal assistance from a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible. Illinois courts have set the statute of limitations for filing personal injury cases at two years. You may not be able to seek compensation through the lawsuit if you file your case after the statute of limitations expires.
It can take a long time for a case to be settled or to go to court. Many cases in Illinois end with a pre-trial settlement for personal injuries. Your lawyer may be able to negotiate a settlement agreement. This process can take a long time, which is why so many cases end in settlements. The participants grow impatient waiting for court dates and decide to end it out of court.